Independent Artists & Makers

In our converted Old Potting Shed you can find our gallery and craft studios. Featuring a selection of ceramics, crafts, jewellery, prints and paintings from local artists and crafts people. With a rotating collection of limited edition and one off pieces, the Old Potting Shed is a gallery of unique work from the most talented Welsh makers.

If you would like to retail your work at the Old Potting Shed, please get in touch.

Yn ein Hen Sied Potio wedi'i haddasu gallwch ddod o hyd i'n horiel a'n stiwdios crefft. Yn cynnwys detholiad o serameg, crefftau, gemwaith, printiau a phaentiadau gan artistiaid a chrefftwyr lleol. Gyda chasgliad cylchdroi o argraffiad cyfyngedig a darnau untro, mae’r Old Potting Shed yn oriel o waith unigryw gan wneuthurwyr mwyaf dawnus Cymru.

Os hoffech adwerthu eich gwaith yn yr Old Potio Shed, cysylltwch â ni.